10 Questions to ask a job candidate for a Hacker position

  1. What is your background in hacking?
  2. What are some of the most significant hacks you have been involved in?
  3. How would you go about finding vulnerabilities in a system?
  4. Once you have found a vulnerability, how do you exploit it?
  5. How do you think about security when designing systems?
  6. What are some common security pitfalls that you look out for?
  7. How do you stay up to date on the latest hacking techniques?
  8. When was the last time you read a paper or attended a conference on hacking?
  9. How do you teach other people about hacking?
  10. Who are some of your favorite hackers and why?

Let’s look a bit deeper into each of these questions and why we want to ask them

1. What is your background in hacking?

This question is designed to find out how much experience the job candidate has in hacking. You want to know if they have the skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful hacker.

2. What are some of the most significant hacks you have been involved in?

This question is designed to gauge the job candidate’s experience with actual hacking. It also allows you to get a sense of their success rate as a hacker.

3. How would you go about finding vulnerabilities in a system?

This question is designed to test the job candidate’s methodology for finding vulnerabilities. This is an important skill for a hacker, as it allows them to identify potential targets.

4. Once you have found a vulnerability, how do you exploit it?

This question is designed to test the job candidate’s ability to actually exploit vulnerabilities. This is a critical skill for a hacker, as it allows them to take advantage of weaknesses in a system.

5. How do you think about security when designing systems?

This question is designed to find out how the job candidate approaches security when designing systems. This is an important consideration for a hacker, as they need to be aware of potential vulnerabilities when creating new systems.

6. What are some common security pitfalls that you look out for?

This question is designed to find out what the job candidate knows about common security pitfalls. This knowledge can help a hacker avoid making mistakes that could lead to their own arrest.

7. How do you stay up to date on the latest hacking techniques?

This question is designed to find out how the job candidate keeps up with the latest hacking techniques. This is important for a hacker, as they need to be able to adapt to new methods of attack.

8. When was the last time you read a paper or attended a conference on hacking?

This question is designed to find out how the job candidate stays current on hacking research. This is important for a hacker, as they need to be able to keep up with the latest findings in order to be successful.

9. How do you teach other people about hacking?

This question is designed to find out how the job candidate shares their knowledge with others. This is important for a hacker, as they need to be able to educate others on the latest techniques and findings.

10. Who are some of your favorite hackers and why?

This question is designed to find out who the job candidate looks up to in the hacking world. This can give you insight into their values and what they consider to be important in a successful hacker.

Aside from asking these type of questions to see if they have the right skills set, it is also important to keep in mind that a good hacker is someone who is always learning. Therefore, it is also important to ask questions that gauge the job candidate’s willingness to learn new things. This could include asking about their favorite hacking books or resources, or what they do to stay current on the latest findings.

Ultimately, the goal is to find a job candidate who has the right skills and knowledge to be a successful hacker, but who is also always learning and keeping up with the latest trends. By asking these types of questions, you can get a better sense of whether or not the job candidate is a good fit for your needs.

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